Featured Articles

Explore a featured selection of my writing work below.

Sunbeds and Addiction: How deadly is the UK's Tanning Culture?

Kirsty Ruddin felt the bright, warm lights of the sunbed on her face. A daily ritual that distracted her from the worries of her long school day.
Fast forward three decades, Kirsty is sat down opposite a doctor who can’t look her in the eye. The CT scan shows stage four terminal cancer. She is given just 12 months to live.
Five years after her initial surgeries to remove two melanomas, she began an intensive course of immunotherapy.

Free electric bus service relaunched as Sheffield Connect | ShefLive

Sheffield Connect saw the launch of four brand new free electric buses last week. 

The service, previously known as ‘FreeBee’, has been rebranded and pledges to provide an easier and more sustainable travel experience for the people of Sheffield.

South Yorkshire Mayor Oliver Coppard said: “We’re delighted to see the very first fully electric buses arrive in South Yorkshire.”

Sheffield Connect was launched on April 8 and features two new routes. SC1 serves the city centre and runs every...

Environmental charities enraged after peregrine falcon shot in Peak District  | ShefLive

The RSPB and the Peak District National Park have offered £5,000 each for information on the shooting of a peregrine falcon. 

The bird was found in the Dove Stone Nature Reserve on the 4th April, and succumbed to its injuries at a local veterinary practice. 

Dave Dickinson from Sheffield Environmental said: “The police need better funding to ensure they have the resources to carry out their duties to investigate and protect these birds.”

“For far too long, we’ve had to rely on the effor...

Sam Fender: everything you need to know about the UK’s favourite Geordie

Sam Fender seems to resonate with a lot of people. This was evidenced when, for Christmas, my brother asked for the same electric guitar Sam had so he could be more like him. His songs are raw and real, especially for people in the North East. Growing up in North Shields, Fender has a way of capturing the reality and hardships of life in a rugged but beautiful way. He was catapulted into the spotlight but maintains the working-class image, which charms audiences internationally.Fender’s discogra...